1. Here endeth the first lesson. On our first evening we spend a relaxing hour next to the Rialto bridge, only to get the bill...
How much?!

2. AFCCM on tour. Ben's football team deleguée (Anthony) secretly follows us to the Most Serene Republic to remind us that there's a tournament the following Saturday morning.

3. Il Duce. Lynne contemplates who will be first on her list to cross the Bridge to the dungeons when she is acclaimed 'Il Duce' of Brussels theatre.
Bridge of Sighs

4. Stranded on San Giorgio. We arrive on San Giorgio island to pay homage at the open air theatre shown clearly on the map. We hang around for an hour before finding that it is closed to the public, and have to get the waterbus back to San Marco.
San Marco from San Georgio

5. Teatro Goldoni. Glenn, trying to look like he is not staring at the breasts of the woman wandering by, realises he is in fact staring at the breasts of the man passing by.

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